One-way Skype from Charley Young Beach

Charley Young Beach Cam

Make your friends, relatives and co-workers jealous! Locate the web cam on the palm tree near the north end of Charley Young Beach then stand in the camera’s field of view and call them on your cell phone. Tell them to use the nearest computer and go to the website shown below. When they’re on line, smile and wave. It gets them every time.

Note: This is the web cam you can view from our blog by clicking on “View the Live Cam”. We look at it almost every day when we’re on the mainland.

If you take the paved walkway inland of the outdoor shower at the entrance to Charley Young Beach instead of the stairs, you’ll walk right by it. Don’t worry, I know the walkway looks like private property, but it’s actually just another way to the beach. You’ll see the web cam above the walkway mounted to a palm tree in front of a lovely waterfront home. Sometimes when you watch the web cam the image sways from side to side as the palm tree sways in the wind. I’ve even seen a spider walk across a web woven in front of the camera lens (thereby giving a whole new meaning to the phrase “web cam.”) Once you’ve found the web cam (it’s not far) you can walk back to the stairs to Charley Young or continue on the walkway which takes you to a different beach access farther down the shore.

If you don’t know where to look, it’s a little hard to spot the camera from the beach. As you get to the bottom of the stairs, turn left and walk the beach until you’re opposite the second house from the stairs. Begin looking about half-way up the palm trees and you will see the camera in the photo above. The accompanying diagram shows it’s approximate location and field of view. If you stand on the beach directly in line with the axis of the camera, you’ll be in the center of the picture.

Give credit where credit’s due: the web cam is owned and maintained by the Hansen family and and is viewed by thousands of people every day from all over the world. Thank you Hansens and!